We Offer Certified LifeVac Training Where EFAW is Required Within your Company

LifeVac® Training – CPD Certified e-learning course
We have created an easy to use FREE e-learning course which covers:
- Choking prevention
- How to identify different types of choking
- What can cause a choking emergency
- Case studies
- Device overview
- How and when to use LifeVac® in a choking emergency
- Videos on the use of LifeVac®
- Competency Test
After you successfully completed the above, you will receive a certificate.
Our Official Training Partner – Kasorb
We have partnered with Kasorb to deliver our face to face training on our regulated LifeVac medical device. Whether you’re a school, child care setting, care/nursing home or a business, Kasorb can deliver face to face training for you and your colleagues. Alongside our excellent LifeVac training, for any of your other training needs we recommend our partners at Kasorb. From mandatory & statutory, through to specialist and clinical, their friendly team are on hand to help.
“Kasorb is the premier virtual and face-to-face staff training services provider in the UK. We work across all sectors to deliver true skills learning.We focus on delivering virtually and face-to-face training at our clients’ premises nationwide on a large range of topics, from mandatory through to management, all of which can all be tailor-made to suit your business’s needs.”
In 2018 & 2019, Knights were listed in the Global Top 20 Health & Safety Training Companies by Training Industry.

LifeVac® QR Code
Every LifeVac® device comes with an easy to scan QR code. When scanned this takes every end user to free training videos.
These video’s cover device overview, when and how to use a LifeVac® device in a choking emergency. These video’s also explain how to use LifeVac® on someone that is laying down, sitting and standing.
Roughly 70% of LifeVac® usages, the end user hasn’t received any LifeVac Training. They simply read our detailed instruction booklet and scan our QR code.

Face To Face Training & Virtual Face to Face Training
We have trained 1000’s of people in the use of LifeVac® and face-to-face training is a popular option. These training sessions can vary in size to suit your staffing needs and to minimize any disruption to your daily schedule. From 5 people in a session to 20 people in a session and from 1 session a day to 5 sessions a day each person will be trained on the use of LifeVac®.
Face-to-face training can be carried out in any location throughout the UK to suit you. LifeVac® training covers how LifeVac® works and how to use LifeVac® in an emergency situation when a casualty is sitting (in a wheelchair), standing or laying down and BLS has failed. Each person is shown how to easily identify the correct sized mask with their colour coded identifier and place them into the LifeVac® device. They then get to use a LifeVac® device on one of our choking Charlie manikin’s and dislodge the bolus inside Charlies airway. When the training session is complete and every trainee feels comfortable in the use of LifeVac® to save a life, each person receives a training certificate from us for your compliance records.