LifeVac Saves Man Choking on Sweets in a Choking Emergency

LifeVac announces another life saved


It was reported to us that LifeVac was utilized once again to save the life of a gentleman in distress. A 31-year-old man choked on Mike & Ike sweets causing a partial airway obstruction. His wife attempted to dislodge the sweets by administering back blows, but protocol was unsuccessful. LifeVac was utilized and on the second Place – Push – Pull, the bolus was removed from the gentleman’s airway.


Choking does not discriminate. It can happen to anyone, anywhere at any time. We are thankful this family saw the videos of the Good Samaritan that saved the life of a baby in a South Carolina restaurant as well as the ring cam video of a mother who ran outside her home and heroically saved her child.


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