LifeVac helps save 3rd life within Sunrise Senior Living.

LifeVac helps save 3rd life within Sunrise Senior Living in a choking emergency

We are very pleased to announce that LifeVac has been used again within the UK Adult Care Sector to help save another life in a choking emergency. This is the third time LifeVac has been put into action within Sunrise Senior Living since their national roll out in 2019.

Sunrise Senior Living carried out a national roll out of LifeVac ACD’s in 2019.

A nurse had to put his training into action when an elderly resident began to choke on her porridge during meal time. BLS choking protocol was administered to dislodge the food stuck in her airway. Sadly these procedures failed to dislodge the obstruction. 

After a call out, another nurse came running in the room with their LifeVac wall mounted kit. Within seconds LifeVac was deployed and dislodged the food lodged in the residents airway. 

"This is great news to hear, LifeVac has helped saved another life in a choking emergency and bringing peace of mind to the nurses within Sunrise Senior Living. I'm very proud of the amazing partnerships we have made within the Adult Care Sector and how we support our clients from the start with implementation, training, compliance and risk assessments, to the end result - helping save a life."

—Matthew Banagan from LifeVac Europe

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