LifeVac registers another life saved by EMS

We proudly announce another life saved in a choking emergency by EMS

We proudly announce another life saved in a choking emergency! Read the testimonial from the health care professional that saved the patient’s life:

“A patient starting choking on pancakes and lost consciousness after prolonged apnea, LifeVac worked after all other attempts failed. The patient became cyanotic and bradycardic, LifeVac applied twice, removal of substance on both attempts. Spontaneous respirations occurred with a resolution of bradycardia and a gradual return to consciousness. The patient suffered episodes of vomiting after dislodging material. The patient was observed in the hospital with full recovery expected. LifeVac absolutely saved this patient’s life. EMS response time 10 minutes from the onset of unconsciousness. Removal of material and return to spontaneous respiration's prevented anoxic brain injury. This product is absolutely brilliant. I carry one with me in my car and take one into the hospital on my shifts as an emergency room physician. I am now attempting to get the ED to carry this for emergency use.”


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