5-Year-Old Saved By Good Samaritan with LifeVac in a Choking Emergency

LifeVac is proud to share news of another life saved

It was reported to us that another Good Samaritan helped save a life! A young child (approximately 5 years old) was choking on a gummy candy on the side of the road. The rescuer and her family were sitting in traffic on Interstate 695 in Maryland, USA when they saw a family pulled over on the shoulder of the highway. The parent of the distressed child was trying to dislodge the obstruction with back blows but to no avail.

The family pulled over, grabbed the LifeVac unit that they carry with them all the time, and right away used the rescue device on the young child.

“The child’s airway was cleared after the second use of the LifeVac”


That kind of selflessness doesn’t happen very often.

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