LifeVac Saves a Life within Pilling Nursing Home in a Choking Emergency

The team at LifeVac Europe are proud to share news of another life saved in a UK care home

It was reported to us that an elderly resident was enjoying their meal when suddenly they came into difficulty. Food had become lodged in their airway causing a partial airway obstruction.

Staff quickly delivered BLS choking protocol to help dislodge the airway obstruction, but sadly these quick actions could not dislodge the obstruction.

LifeVac was then applied and dislodged the airway obstruction within seconds on the second PLACE – PUSH – PULL motion, helping save the residents life.

This is absolutely brilliant news to receive! This is our 4th life saved within care homes in the UK in a span of 6 days and our 15th life saved in only 5 days! We have now saved over 342 lives in a choking emergency when all other choking first aid protocol methods have failed or cannot be performed. If this doesn't show the need for LifeVac, the safest, most effective and easiest to use airway clearance device in the world, I don't know what does!

— Lea, Production Manager, LifeVac Europe

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