LifeVac saves 32nd life, 5 year old boy Quade choked on a lemon head.

On the 31st of July 2019 we were informed of another life saved by a courageous mother Jen Glenn who saved her sons life from choking to death on a Lemon Head using LifeVac.

5 year old Quade was given a Lemon Head (hard sweet) by his sister Quincey, Jen could hear Quincey asking her brother if he was okay. Jen came rushing into the bedroom and saw her son Quade with tears down his cheeks and snot coming from his nose. She quickly realised Quade couldn’t breath and he was choking on the hard sweet.

Jen carried out the abdominal thrusts and back blows on Quade which failed. Jen quickly remembered where she put a LifeVac she purchased last year. Running to her fridge she remembered that she had kept it on top, she grabbed the LifeVac and ran back to Quade.

After the second application LifeVac dislodged the hard sweet saving his life, Quade then vomited due to the terrifying ordeal.

Living in a remote area it would of taken 15-20 minutes for EMS to arrive, when someone is choking time is of the essence as you only have 2-3 minutes before they become unconscious and unfortunately around the 10 minute mark the casualty will have brain damage or die.

"We thank Quade's mother Jen for sharing this traumatic experience with us, once again LifeVac has saved another life when BLS has failed. This is LifeVac's 4th child saved and LifeVac's 32nd life saved, knowing family members are still able to hold, visit and speak to their son's, daughter's, mother's, father's and grandparents due to LifeVac is an amazing feeling. This is why LifeVac was invented and we are working very hard to get noninvasive suction into BLS protocol which will stop thousands of people dying every year from choking to death"

— Matthew Banagan: Sales and Marketing Director LifeVac Europe

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