LifeVac saves 1st life within the Caring Homes Group

The team at LifeVac Europe are very proud to share wonderful news of LifeVac saving another life in the adult care sector, thanks to quick thinking nurses.

LifeVac Europe were informed that we have saved our first life within the Caring Homes Group when an elderly resident began to choke.
The Caring Homes Group delivered a group roll out to provide extra an measure for the wonderful people they care for in a choking emergency in 2018.

A few weeks ago, the training that was delivered to the Caring Homes Group in 2018 “kicked in” when an elderly resident with dementia started to choke during meal time, which became a full airway obstruction. Staff acted quickly delivering BLS protocol which unfortunately failed to dislodge the obstruction. They quickly used LifeVac and dislodged the food from the residents airway on the first application saving their life.

“We have had LifeVac’s in all of our Homes for a few years now and we have never had to use one until now. We also invested in ensuring staff are trained in its application. I did say when we first put them in place that if Lifevac helps to save one life, it would be investment well spent. After this incident I am even more convinced of that.”

— Frank Cummins, Care Services Director, Caring Homes Group

"It's great to share news of another life being saved, especially being the first time within Caring Homes Group. We are very proud to have partnered with them and were able to be there in time of need. We sent out a free replacement as per our standard procedure when a LifeVac is used."

— Matthew Banagan: Sales and Marketing Director LifeVac Europe

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